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When is the best time to burp your baby?baby bottle maker custom


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When is the best time to burp your baby?baby bottle maker custom Home

When is the best time to burp your baby?baby bottle maker custom

source:News release time:2022-04-20


  The best time to burp your baby is during feeding.

  It is recommended that parents burp the baby during the feeding process, or even when the baby is not uncomfortable.

  Temporarily stopping breastfeeding and constantly changing positions can slow down your baby's swallowing and reduce the amount of air he swallows.

  But if the baby is an artificially fed baby.

  Then, it is recommended to burp every 150ml; if it is a breastfed baby, burp it when you switch breasts to feed.

  The best time to burp is different for artificially fed and breastfed babies.

  Parents also need to differentiate according to the actual situation.

  How to take care of baby hiccups?

  1. To feed scientifically

  When encountering the problem of frequent hiccups by the baby, parents must need scientific feeding. Parents must avoid the baby from eating too fast or too fast, and must not feed the baby after being frightened or crying. Be sure not to feed too much, you need to stick to the way of small and frequent meals

  2. The size of the nipple should be appropriate

  When encountering an artificially fed baby, parents must choose the correct pacifier size. If the pacifier is too small, the baby needs to suck with a lot of force when feeding, and it is easy to inhale too much air, causing the baby to bloat. Phenomenon, too large will also cause the baby to eat too quickly.

  3. Massage the baby's abdomen

  If parents say that the baby often hiccups, then it may also be caused by the baby's indigestion. Therefore, parents can massage the baby's abdomen to promote the baby's gastrointestinal motility, thereby enhancing the baby's digestive ability.

  4. Eat in moderation

  If the baby's diet is not controlled, or the milk is too cold, or the cold medicine is taken, the qi stagnation is not smooth, and the stomach qi moves against the diaphragm and induces hiccups.

  5. Keep the abdomen warm

  When it comes to baby hiccups, then parents must keep the baby's abdomen warm, because the baby's abdomen will also cause the baby to burp.

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